
Monday, 30 July 2012

My life on monday

I miss last weeks scheduled monday update because I've been dealing with everything involved with changing jobs, learning a whole new menu and order method as well as an entirely different service pattern moving from cafe to restaurant. I'm thoroughly enjoying the challenge and am really excited about my first full week next week and then starting team leader training in the next month or so. Also the extra money a week will be extremely helpful in the paying done of my debt and saving some money to be able fully enjoy my holiday to Bali with my family in November.

I have also began to place a big effort and large chunk of my time on getting fit and eating cleaner, adding more fruit and vegetables into my diet and deleting a lot of the sugar that I current consume. It has only been a week and I'm already starting to notice a difference in the way I am feeling so onwards and upwards I say.

I also got to spend a great weekend with the boy in his home town last weekend which was really nice but however my phone had died so there is no photos, but we did get a chance to visit the charming maritime museum in the next town over and it was delightful we'll have to go back soon so I can get some photos to post here because the surrounds are really gorgeous.

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