
Friday, 15 November 2013

So this Week ...

This week has been one of the funniest, most frustrating weeks in recent history for me.

The Funny

  • I went to a Wedding, did the chicken dance with my 76 year old Nanna and got told by my cousin that I do the YMCA wrong (our DJ told us that it was the most random list of requests that he'd ever had for a wedding). Then I caught the bouquet, well it landed behind me and I happened to pick it up, so now the boy is under even more pressure from other people (who are not me) to pop the question, poor love. But I had a blast, and more than a few wines.

  • I found out returning to work after my weekend (Monday, Tuesday) that the other apprentice had managed to con the boss into buying one of his knifes off him because he had accidental dropped it while opening the packet, the same apprentice who had 2 months early burnt the cord off the mini blender and not paid for it, whoops!

The Frustrating

  • Our Washing Machine that is less than six months old has somehow broken and will not work meaning that to wash the oodles of clothes that come from Mr Truck Driver and myself the Chef I have to go into town and pay $6 a load to wash my clothes, so today I did four load before running out of coins, though I still have a full laundry basket. The most frustrating part of this whole process is that I have 2 and a half days off during the week and Mr Truck Driver is home on weekends, but the only day the technician can come out and look at it, Thursday the day I have to be at work from 10 am until 10pm. Yep.
So that's the rundown on my week that was, life's a rollercoaster enjoy the ride.

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